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A Dictionary of Made-Up Languages:  
From Adûnaic to Elvish, Zaum to Klingon, the Anwa (Real) Origins of Invented Lexicons

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Adams Media (hardcover)

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From the publisher:

"taH pagh, taH be!" ("To be or not to be..." in Klingon). "Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo." ("A star shines upon the hour of our meeting," the standard Elvish greeting). "Ne dankinde." ("You're welcome," in Esperanto). Language buffs will love this one-of-a-kind dictionary of imaginary tongues. From the nineteenth century grammarian's Anglic (with its perfectly simple syntax) to Tolkien's fantastical Elvish (with its vaguely Finnish undertones), this intriguing collection of the most popular made-up lexicons offers endless hours of fun for word lovers everywhere. Readers can master the exotic enunciations of "Avatar's Na'vi aliens" in one sitting - and take on the intricate phrasings of Vulcan, Venusian, and Volapuk in the next (just to name the Vs).

This comprehensive volume also includes pronunciation and punctuation guides, as well as must-know conversational terms for every language. With thousands of words in more than 100 languages pulled from history, literature, and pop culture, The Dictionary of Made-Up Languages is the perfect lexicographical companion for ordway overslays (word lovers in Pig Latin) everywhere!

Stephen D. Rogers is a contributor to The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction & Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders and The Internet Review of Science Fiction, a member of the Language Creation Society and the New England Science Fiction Association, and the award-winning author of more than 900 shorter pieces.

What other people are saying:

A handy collection that contains everything you need to know about the many invented languages that inhabit some of our favorite books and movies.
- The Barnstable Patriot

It contains more than 100 languages, invented over the centuries for political, artistic or logical reasons.
- The Chicago Tribune

This book was clicked onto my wish list so fast I may have scorched the keyboard. A fun book to peruse, and a great addition to the reference shelf! A wonderful buni*.
* Gift in asa’pili, as spoken by the people of bolo’bolo.
- Eclecticitee

The perfect gift for the nerd who has everything.
- Good Morning Silicon Valley

It's the perfect book for word geeks, as well as anybody who loves language and linguistics.
- io9

Filled with fun facts, thoughtful quotes and trivia, this is an excellent resource for the fanciful polyglot in your life.
- Library Journal

What’s more, easy-to-follow guidelines show you how to construct your own made-up language -- everything from building vocabulary to making up a grammar…
- Roughly Daily is also indispensable as a reference book for any of us in our genre so be sure to add a copy to your bookshelves.
- SF Crowsnest

...not only an entertaining reference, but also a manual for writers or anyone else engaged in creating an imaginary world.
- SF Site

Cool Book Alert! - How do you say "Where is the bathroom?" in Klingon? What about "I apologize for this moron" in Na'vi? Thanks to a new book, you, too, can chat with your friends in Elvish, Vulcan and more than 100 fictional tongues.
- USA Today, Pop Candy

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